Last Updated on October 4, 2024 by
The Platform 2 is a 2024 Horror, Sci-Fi, and Thriller Movie Directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia. The film stars Ken Appledorn, Hoji Fortuna, and Tadashi Ito, with a runtime of 1h 39M, and was released on October 04, 2024.
The Platform is a horror movie filmed in Spain, and this movie was released on the Netflix platform in 2019, and now the second part of the movie is coming out, called The Platform 2. The movie is a sci-fi horror film, which was written and directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia The story is set in a distant future in a prison where all the prisoners are divided by the levels they occupy. The prison has a twisted system: This single platform filled with food starts at the topmost level and descends to the bottommost level. It depicts that prisoners on the upper stages are privileged to be served first; however, as the platform gets to the lower stages, those in the upper stages have sorted through the food, and the prisoners on the lower stages are often starved. This system brings about many struggles and rivalries among the prisoners.
The first Platform movie did not become a box office hit but received a lot of attention at festivals and won the People’s Choice Award at the Toronto International Film Festival. It enjoyed a similar success that made Netflix opt to pick it so that it would have a global reach. In general, critics were pleased with the film and its potential ideas, even though it was a horror movie, the plot was quite insane.
Nevertheless, the story of this unsettling world could not be told in one movie alone. Now they bring the second part of this story with The Platform 2 which is no less anticipating and ready to immerse its viewers again in the world of the film’s themes and ideas that were presented in the first part with even more bitter political satire.
When the first movie was released, the concept of which was quite plain but horrifying, many people including me wanted to see more of this world. Yet, I also wondered if a sequel is capable of delivering something fresh and interesting. Thankfully, Platform 2 does just that. It’s a powerful continuation of the nightmare-like world that started in the first film, but this time, it tweaks the rules just enough to give us a new message.
The premise also remains the same as in the original – the main setting would once again be a vertical prison with tiers of cells. Every cell has a rectangular slit in its center, which is the area where the platform that is loaded with food moves through each day. This platform works from the apex and then progresses downwards. The food on the platform is, in a way, what the prisoner requested when getting to prison, and in theory, if no extra rations are taken then there is enough food for everyone. Well, you know that does not always occur.
The Platform 2 continues this concept but with a few changes and spins. We meet two new prisoners: Perempuán, the beautiful woman, portrayed by Indonesian actress Milena Smit, and Zamiatin, the man portrayed by Armenian-born Spanish actor Hovik Keuchkerian. At the beginning of the movie, the prisoners have already attempted to establish order and rules to ensure that everybody eats. It holds a sinister and silent revolution, a glimmer of optimism as they try to build a just society.
This small sense of revolution alters the climate immediately. Although the general environment still encompasses the constant noise of metal hitting and moving around, it is no longer the same as before; there is a new system in the works. The prisoners in the higher levels are given more responsibilities and they are allowed only what they asked for. If they do not adhere to the rules then they are punished severely. This new twist enriches the film and gives more suspense than in the first part of the movie.
Although the concept of the prison and its functioning form a general setting for the movie, the storyline pays more attention to how the prisoners attempt to cope with the new environment that they have developed. This change in orientation makes it interesting and less repetitive.
This is one of the reasons why The Platform is such an engaging movie it paints a picture of the best and the worst of humanity. Sometimes the script is touching and sentimental and at other moments it can be genuinely scary. This direction elicits these emotions from the actors, especially because they deliver gut-wrenching and realistic performances. These elements are complemented by the production design by Azegiñe Urigoitia who makes the prison look like a work of art turned into a nightmare, and the thrilling score by Aitor Etxebarria that makes the whole movie feel interconnected, just like in the previous installment.
The same goes for The Platform 2; one might not wish to gorge while watching it since it can best be described as unappetizing. Oh, there’s quite a lot of violence and gore, but the dialogue shines through, and the acting is top-notch. It also maintains and even expands upon the first film’s compelling analysis of how power relations function in society.
One of the characters sums up the movie’s core message perfectly with a powerful line: “We kill to create a future where people will not kill other people.” This goes a long way in explaining how even institutions that are meant to promote equality end up being harsh and tyrannical. One character mentions “Only fear tames beasts,” to emphasize the relationship between power and intimidation.
As always, it is tough to make a good sequel, and ‘Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows’ had the burden of following one of the most unique and special films – ‘Sherlock Holmes’. However, in The Platform 2, it is done splendidly, showing that the potential for effective new stories set within the given setting is not exhausted by any means. I’ll also recommend The Firing Squad movie which also shares a similar prisoner story.
The Platform 2 Parents Guide Age Rating
The Platform 2 is not rated because it has not undergone the official rating process by the Motion Picture Rating (MPA).