A Quiet Place: Day One Parents Guide

Last Updated on July 21, 2024 by

A Quiet Place: Day One 2024 movie is Directed by Michael Sarnoski. The film stars Joseph Quinn, Djimon Hounsou, and Alex Wolff with the rum time of 1h 40m theater released June 28, 2024.

Well, I wasn’t expecting this. I enjoyed John Krasinski’s first two “A Quiet Place” movies, particularly the first one, a story of grief and a fun little monster movie with a neat hook. Some aliens are hypersensitive to sound so they wiped out several people on Earth and whoever is left must be very, very quiet.

These movies did not create something entirely new. Still, they paid tribute to Spielberg and even George A. Romero, and in the majority of instances they were successful in achieving the goal. However, I will admit that most of the events of the sequel are now beyond my recollection even though I watched it when the movie was still playing in theaters. Now, we have “A Quiet Place: The Imagination You’re left with comes with ‘A Day One,’ which is not only the third installment in this franchise but also a prequel.

Third films are usually troublesome and prequels can sometimes just be a speedy and mediocre attempt to bring in money; a lazy scenario where seemingly all anyone has left is to cash in on the idea as quickly as they can. But that’s not what” A Quiet Place: Day One” is.

The movie features Lupita Nyong’o who is always fantastic in her acting and she appears in this movie as Sam. Sam is currently receiving hospice care, and she has cancer, which means that she is critically ill and has limited time. One day, she chooses to take a trip to Manhattan with her support group which consists of a character portrayed by Alex Wolff, the actor of the film “Pig”. They go to see a puppet show, which is okay, but the real reason Sam wants to go is to have one last slice of New York pizza. This pizza means a lot to her because it makes her happy, and she knows she might not get another chance to enjoy it.

The fact that Sam is so sick adds an interesting twist to the scary events that happen next in the movie. It makes you think about how hard someone would fight to stay alive if they are already dying. This is one of several cool ideas that the director, Michael Sarnoski, brings up but then quickly moves away from, focusing instead on making the movie a survival thriller.

Another big question the movie raises is: How do you make one of the loudest cities in the world, New York City, go completely silent? The movie tells us that NYC is usually super noisy, around 90 decibels, which sets the scene for a story about a city going quiet. But the movie doesn’t show us that. It doesn’t feel like a busy city is suddenly silent because it wasn’t filmed in Manhattan; instead, it was shot on soundstages in London. This makes it feel like the characters are on movie sets rather than in a real city.

We follow Sam and her adorable cat, Frodo, through this eerie landscape until they meet a panicking young man named Eric, played by Joseph Quinn (from “Stranger Things”). Casting Nyong’o and Quinn was a great choice because they are very good at showing their emotions through their facial expressions, which is important. After all, the aliens in the movie are sensitive to sound, so there’s not a lot of talking. Both actors give strong performances, showing the story through their actions and expressions.

But unfortunately, there is not much of a story to be told. In the movie, we meet a character named Henri, played by Djimon Hounsou, who was also in “A Quiet Place: Part II. ” He has one of the best scenes in the movie where a man has a panic attack in front of him and his son. It makes you wonder: What would you do in that situation? For the sake of the family’s safety, how much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice? Are you willing to beat up someone to save him or her? This theme is also mentioned again later when Eric gets anxious and it is not clear whether Sam may have to go through the same experience. Still, these ideas are not elaborated sufficiently. The movie feels rather rushed, and this could be the reason why Jeff Nichols, who was initially attributed to the directing position, abandoned the project due to some artistic disagreements. While most movies that are released today seem to be excessively lengthy, this one might as well have been even longer to allow the viewer to grow fond of the characters and develop suspense more effectively.

Despite this, Sarnoski shows he’s good at directing with a few subtle moments. He gets strong performances from Nyong’o and Quinn with very little dialogue, but it feels like he needed someone else to help add more visual style and substance to the movie. When the aliens are attacking, the movie doesn’t feel very tense or like a big blockbuster. However, some scenes stand out, like kids hiding in a fountain to keep quiet, Eric coming out of a flooded subway, someone covering a screaming mouth, and the amazing expressions from Quinn and Nyong’o. These moments make the movie better than a lot of lazy sequels.

This movie is not so horrible, I strongly recommend you watch, it if you’re a horror fan.

A Quiet Place: Day One 2024 Parents Guide Age Rating

“A Quiet Place Day One” is Rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Rating (MPA) for terror and violent content/bloody images.

Violence & Gore: This movie contains rather graphic depictions of the alien creatures attacking the human characters. Characters are portrayed in a struggle to understand the world and this prompts physical conflict, and violence hence getting into fights and suffering injuries. Some blood and the injured persons are demonstrated but these scenes are not as gory as in several similar movies. Death is depicted as an inevitable reality, and characters most of the time are in shocking situations.

Profanity: Occasional and infrequent use of profanity. Some mild coarse language may be used.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking: Very low frequency of alcohol, drug or smoking depiction.

Sex & Nudity: The show does not contain anything sexually explicit or nudity.

Overall, “A Quiet Place: Thus, “Day One” can be recommended for teenagers and adults who are ready to watch the suspenseful and intense scene, but it is highly recommended not to watch it for children as it is kind of frightening.

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